Roe-bot Girl: The Bright Beginning (Roebot Girl Book 1) Read online
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“You really think so?”
“Yes, it would be a great hit. They may even ask you to help with a class, since you are so good at programing. You might even be able to help with our age group maker class! That would be so cool!” Marci said. “Each month a set of parents gets to teach a topic, this month we were learning about how to make glass and stain glass. We have had cooler projects in the past then this month’s topic. One month we learned all about cameras and we even made pinhole cameras that we got to keep! Another month we were learning about chemical reactions and made goop from glue and soap, that was cool, it would copy text off of paper! Another month we learned about electricity and conduction and made different circuits from potatoes and paper clips and salt water, it was so cool!” Marci said so excited.
I was starting to get excited, maybe this maker place was not so bad after all, I just needed to give it a chance. There did not seem to be robots yet but maybe one month we might learn about robots. That would be so cool!
Marci and I spent the rest of the day playing with my robots and app.
After that, Marci and I became best friends since we had lots of common interests. Together, we looked forward to beginning school together and our new future adventures. Yes, today was a good day, I thought, and I now realized that there would be plenty more to come. Maybe living here in a maker friendly community would not be so bad after all.
Roe-bot Girl: The Amazing Deed
After lunch Charlotte showed me to my afternoon class. Charlotte told me that “Walle, as the students called the teacher, liked to make the name tags a game.” Each name tag was a code I had to break to figure out which seat was mine, I wondered over to the first table of four chairs and picked up the first card I saw and read it:
H 20 9 1
This is odd what could this mean? Hum, Charlotte said this was a name tag but it has numbers on it...I bet it's a name in numbers! I got excited and started writing 1-26 in my note book then A-Z. Soon I Figured out that 20=T and 9=i and 1=a, Tia! This was Tia's name tag. Then I noticed a boy next to me looking at a name tag muttering to himself “I am never going to get this! My first day of school this year and I am going to fail!” He started to get louder when I interrupted him and said, “I figured it out let me show you.”
“I do not need your help, I am fine on my own!” the boy responded snarly.
What a meanypants, I have never had someone talk to me so rude. I said without thinking “well then I bet I will find my name tag before you find yours Mr. Meanypants!” I said as I stuck out my tongue and left the table to find another unoccupied card, I hope he doesn't figure these cards out with an attitude like that, I was just trying to help! Why did he have to respond so meanly?
The new card read:
L 0.952556403 and showed a picture of a log with a 45 in it.
“Oh dear this one is hard” I thought. The last one had an H and a lot of numbers this one has a decimal number.
“Wait maybe the H and L mean something?” I thought as I looked at the numbered list and saw that H is the 8th letter in the alphabet and L is the 12th letter in the alphabet maybe this card was for a 12th grader and the last one was for an 8th grader? So I had to find a card with an “F” on it since I am in 6th grade.
I searched around the whole room and did not see a letter lower than an H. “Oh I must be wrong then,” I thought. The teacher was sitting at his desk looking around watching the students so I approached him and asked “Mr. Teacher Sir.”
“You can call me Walle”
“Mr. Walle Sir” I stuttered
“Wall E” he said with a half chuckle.
“Walle, may I ask about the cards.”
“Well the letters seem to be grade levels but the lowest letter I could find was an H which would be for an 8th grader.”
“Yes, this is an 8 through 12 class.”
“But I am in 6th grade.”
“Oh, then you must be Roberta.”
“Yes, how did you know?”
“Because you are the only 6th grader in this class, due to your test results the class placement committee thought you would do well in this class, thus in this class you are considered an 8th grader.”
“Oh, but I am a 6th grader.” I said confused not contemplating what Walle was saying.
“Roberta you are looking for a card with an H on it, go on.”
“Okay” I was a bit confused but thought okay I need a card with an “H” on it.
I started thinking I am looking for a card with my name on it, so I wrote out my name.
R = 18
O = 15
E = 5
I looked all around the room and did not see 18, 15, 5 it has to be here somewhere, I must have missed it. Then it dawned on me that Walle had used my full first name not my nick name. So I started looking for:
R = 18
O = 15
B = 2
E = 5
R = 18
T = 20
A = 1
H 18 15 2 5 18 20 1
And found it! Yes, oh wait, no, not possible my name tag is next to Mr. Meanypants!