Roe-bot Girl: The Bright Beginning (Roebot Girl Book 1) Page 5
I smiled shyly, happy that the plant manager didn’t hold a grudge, “Thank you, I will.”
I was glad that my parents weren’t angry with me. However, when we returned to our hotel to pack up, my mom said to me, “We have a couple of weeks before we start our next job, and we would like to visit with your aunt, uncle and their little girl for a while. I think we all need a vacation. We leave on the flight tomorrow.”
That sounded different, so I went to bed that night, suddenly looking forward to a new adventure tomorrow. After I was asleep, my parents decided to further discuss their lifestyle.
“Maybe what Roe needs is a real home. Lyla was saying the next big job is behind schedule a few weeks. Perhaps, my sister will have some suggestions about what to do,” Andra continued, hopefully.
“I do not want to leave Roe anywhere,” Tony remarked. “I would miss her dearly.”
“I do not want to either, but we have to do what is best for her. We cannot keep ripping her away from a real life. She needs real friends, not just Snow her doll. She needs to know what a home cooked meal is and traditions like making Christmas cookies, Easter egg hunts and normal kid’s stuff. She needs a real room with real toys. She needs more than what will fit into two suitcases. She programs to compensate for the poor life we are giving her. Look at how talented she is!” my mom started pointing around the room to the doll bed with the blanket I knitted and the quilt I sewed. “Look at how talented she is! We are squashing that talent for our own selfish reasons of wanting her close to us. We love Roe too much not to do what is right for her.”
“You are right, of course. Perhaps, we need to cut back on our work schedule. We have a couple of weeks to figure it all out,” Tony agreed. “It is time we had some family time.”
“I’m glad you agree,” Andra concurred as Tony gave her a reassuring hug.
Chapter Eight: My Other Family
I thought it was odd visiting my aunt whom I had never remembered seeing, let alone my parents saying we were going on vacation for a few weeks. In all my life, I could not remember my parents taking a vacation. They loved their work so why would we want to take a vacation from what they loved to do, I wondered. Staying an extra day or two in a city to sightsee or visit with friends we had done, but never a vacation that was totally out of their way. So, I was skeptical about this vacation.
It was strange to see my very professional mom hug my aunt and say, “Keekee, it has been too long!” It was not just a polite greeting hug, but a hug that said I have really missed you.
“I go by Kennedy now that I am not three anymore,” Kennedy reminded her, smiling with a little chuckle since her childhood’s nickname was used. “My goodness, Roe, you have really grown. I haven’t seen you in nine years. It has been too long,” Kennedy commented as she gave me a big hug. “Make yourselves at home. The guest room is over here, and Roe you will be sharing a room with Caitlin. You get the top bunk. Why don't you get settled? There is half a closet you can use to hang up any clothes and part of a dresser. Then, come out to the kitchen. I have tea, milk and cookies. Oh, and healthy stuff just to make your mom happy. She has always been a health nut,” Kennedy explained with a smile and a wink, leaving me to unpack.
By the time I had unpacked and made sure Snow was safely situated in his new travel suitcase Mia had given him, I joined the family. My parents were already sitting around the kitchen table talking with Kennedy while Caitlin was in a highchair next to me. I could see fruits and veggies on the table with iced tea, although the cookies were nowhere in sight, realizing my mom probably had them put away.
My mom called over for me to join them. “Roe, do try some of Kennedy’s tea.” She turned to Kennedy and said, “It is just like Mom used to make. It is a white, fruity mint that is really good.” She poured me a glass. “We were just discussing old times and how much trouble we used to get into!” my mom remarked with a chuckle.
“Did you know that your mother was known for beating boys?” Kennedy gossiped excitedly.
“Kennedy, don't give Roe any bad ideas!” Andra warned me while laughing.
“There was a boy her age who told your mother that she could not build a soapbox derby car and race it because she was a girl. Do you know what your mother did to quiet him? She and our dad built the fastest derby car in the race! She beat him by two car lengths! He started crying and was nicknamed crybaby the rest of the school year. The next year they made a rule that only boys could enter, so I was not allowed to race. That rule lasted for a few years until it was changed again. Your mother has always been fearless! She would never let a boy win until she met your dad. She always had to be number one!” Kennedy reported.
Chuckling, Tony chipped in, “No, your mom still has to win.”
“You two stop that. You are giving Roe the wrong idea about me. Kennedy, just you wait a few more years, and I’ll have some stories for Caitlin,” Andra threatened, a bit annoyed.
“You wouldn't!” Kennedy countered smiling.
“I'll tell her about the antics you did to get Dan's attention!” Andra declared.
“Shush, that is supposed to be our secret!” Kennedy replied in jest. “Okay, we will call a truce about telling stories then.”
I was just sitting back watching the show. It was funny to see my mom and aunt together. They fed off of each other, and they were both enjoying it so much that we did not notice that Dan had come home from work and was standing in the doorway. We all jumped when he said, “Andra, you have nothing on me. I knew all about her antics to try to get my attention. I figured I had better ask her out quickly before someone got hurt! Always dropping things around me or bumping into me, like she did not see me. The school was a safer place without all her pencils all over the floor as a tripping hazard. Little did she know I had a crush on her since the third grade,” Dan admitted with a chuckle.
“That is not true!” Kennedy protested.
Andra and Tony got up and gave Dan a welcome hug while Kennedy checked on dinner. She had put in a pot roast stew with extra veggies just because she knew it would make Andra happy.
I noticed that my aunt Kennedy looked a lot like my mother, but seemed a lot more frazzled and stressed. My Uncle Dan was a stereotypical geeky male in his thirties, and even he seemed stressed and overworked. My cousin, Caitlin, was a toddler and very odd. She mainly just stared at them while hiding behind her mother. My mother told me not to ask too many questions about her since my cousin still did not talk. I was distressed that I was stuck sharing a room with her, a toddler, yet. But, at least, I got the top bunk and I had always wanted to sleep on the top of the bunk bed.
I remembered stories of my aunt Kennedy growing up that my mother would tell. They were the best of friends until my mom got married and moved away. Since then they kept in touch, but my mom and dad had been so busy with their business that they hadn’t had the opportunity to visit. I did not remember visiting, but Mom said it was because I was really young the last time we got together.
Dinner was a meal of laughter and kidding around. I had never seen my mother so casual and vibrant. Even my dad seemed to be really enjoying himself. The four of them had practically grown up together, and they ended up going to college together. My mother was less than two years older than her sister. They were both majoring in engineering; Andra was an electrical engineer focused in robotics and programming. Kennedy started out in mechanical engineering, and they were going to be the best robot designers to ever live! Then, Andra graduated and got married, and Kennedy found out she really excelled at graphic design and changed her major. Andra was so disappointed, but she and Tony continued on, without her. Instead of designing robots, Andra became world famous for programming robotic systems with her husband, Tony. Kennedy quit the graphic design job she loved to help her daughter who had a speech problem and other developmental issues. She still did a lot of freelance work whenever she could fit in the time around Caitlin's speech sessions, doctor's appointments and other needs.
br /> Kennedy broke my train of thought when she said as she picked up her daughter and carried her into the bedroom, “Oh, look at the time, I have to get sleepyhead here into bed.”
“I am getting tired too,” I remarked with a yawn and an arm stretch.
“Good night, Roe. See you in the morning,” my mom said, giving me a hug goodnight.
“Night Roe; sleep tight,” my dad commented with another hug.
I entered the room I currently shared with Caitlin who was fussing. Once Caitlin saw me, she froze and her eyes got really big. Kennedy looked up from trying to get Caitlin's pajamas on and said “Caitlin, remember you are going to be sharing your room with Roe? We have been talking about this. Do you remember?”
Caitlin looked at her mom with her big eyes and just nodded while her mother took this opportunity to put the rest of her pajamas on without a fight. “Time to brush your teeth,” Kennedy reminded her as they left the room. I unpacked Snow and changed quickly into my pajamas. I tucked Snow into the top bunk and grabbed my toothbrush as Caitlin and Kennedy came back into the room.
After climbing into bed, I hugged Snow, but not too tight since I didn’t want him to light up. I listened to the story Kennedy was reading to Caitlin. My thoughts went to when I used to be read bedtime stories by my parents. I missed that quality time with them, but reminded myself that bedtime stories were for babies and I was not a baby. Then the door to the room opened, and my parents sneaked in to tuck me in. I smiled as they gave me and Snow a quick hug and kiss goodnight. I drifted off to sleep trying to picture my parents at my age, and what they were really like outside of the stories told that night at dinner.
Chapter Nine: The First Week with my Cousin
I was the first one up as usual. I went to make coffee but could not find the packets like the hotel had. I found a bag that said coffee on it, but when I opened it there were black beans in it. It smelled like coffee, but I was not sure what to do with them. Then, I had an idea that maybe this was instant coffee, but I did not see instant anywhere on the bag and I thought, no, I think instant coffee is ground up. Just then I jumped as Dan said, “Aren't you a little young to be drinking coffee?” I was so engrossed in trying to figure out these beans, I did not hear Dan come into the kitchen.
“I normally start the coffee for my parents, but I could not find any coffee packets, only these beans,” I responded.
Chuckling, Dan then demonstrated how to safely make real coffee. He showed me where the coffee grinder and the filters were kept and how to measure out enough beans to get enough ground coffee to make the perfect cup. “When you are older, you will have to try this fresh ground coffee. There is nothing like it to start the morning,” Dan explained.
“Yuck, I do not like coffee,” I stated.
“That is just because you have never had good coffee. When you are done growing, I'll get you a good cup of coffee, and we will see if you still think it is awful,” Dan promised.
“Okay,” I agreed because I figured it did not matter anyway. The likelihood of Dan remembering this promise when I was grown was not going to happen, so I just agreed.
“What do you want for breakfast?” Dan asked.
“I love French toast.”
“Would cereal work?”
“Sure, what do you have?”
“Let’s see,” Dan commented as he opened the cabinet with the cereal in it. There were only two healthy cereals. I looked disappointed that maybe my aunt was more like my healthy mom than I had originally thought.
“Cereal will work,” I finally said disappointed.
“That is just what I was going to have for breakfast,” Dan remarked as he grabbed the cereal. “Could you get the spoons and bowls? I'll get the milk and sugar.” Dan pointed to the cupboard. “OJ okay?” he asked as he poured himself a freshly brewed cup and got the orange juice out of the fridge.
I had poured a bowl of cereal and was getting the milk when Dan said, “Wait a minute, you are missing a key ingredient.”
“Sugar,” Dan smiled a mischievous grin.
“What do you mean?”
“Let me show you how to make a good bowl of cereal, young lady.” After that, Dan poured himself a bowl of cereal and dumped a tablespoon of pure sugar on top, then slowly added the milk, so all the sugar dissolved.
“You’re a genius!” I exclaimed, mimicking him, only I added two spoons of sugar and then had to stir my cereal a bit more to get it to dissolve.
Dan and I were chatting about the projects I had made with Granny and Mia when my parents entered the kitchen. My mom saw me eating a healthy whole grain cereal and smiled in approval. This caused me to start giggling since I knew my mom would not approve if she knew that I had added sugar into the cereal. My mom thought the sugar on the table was for the coffee Dan was drinking.
“Coffee fresh ground and brewed in the pot; help yourself. Coffee cups are to the left in the cabinet,” Dan offered. Andra and Tony grabbed a cup and sat down to chat.
“Are you off to work this morning?” Andra asked.
“Yes, I have to get going in a few minutes,” Dan replied. “What do you have planned today?”
“We were going to settle in here and see what Kennedy has planned. Maybe, we can go put flowers on our parents’ graves.”
“We normally go out there four times a year and clean it up and leave some flowers, but we haven’t had a chance lately. Tomorrow might be a better time to go. Caitlin has her speech this afternoon. A very nice lady from the school comes over here to work with her,” Dan explained.
“That will work; we have some other things to finish up here, anyway,” Andra commented.
Just then Kennedy and Caitlin entered the kitchen, “Good morning!” Kennedy greeted.
“Good morning,” Dan, Andra, Tony and I replied.
“We were just talking about the plan for the day,” Dan informed his wife.
“Oh, Caitlin has speech here this afternoon, but otherwise we are open,” Kennedy said as she put Caitlin down in her chair and grabbed bowls, cups and spoons from the cabinet.
“We were thinking of settling in and getting some work done, and then maybe tomorrow checking out our parents’ graves. What do you think Kennedy?” Andra asked.
“Sounds good, did you want cereal?” Kennedy asked as she gave Andra, Tony and Caitlin a bowl, spoon and cup.
“Sure,” Andra agreed.
“Anything is fine,” Tony said.
Kennedy put the other box of cereal on the table and asked Caitlin, which one she would like. Caitlin looked at my bowl and pointed at the Os cereal. Kennedy poured her a bowl, added milk and then poured herself a cup of coffee. Bringing the pot over, I offered it to the adults at the table, refilling Andra's and Tony's cup. Dan declined and said “Thanks, Sweetheart, but I have to run to work. See you all tonight.” He gave his wife a kiss goodbye, and then put his dishes in the dishwasher and left.
After Dan had left, Kennedy sat down and poured herself a bowl of cereal asking the others, “What do you want for dinner? I have a casserole I can make.”
“We want to take you out to dinner as a thank you for having us stay here. It can be a different night, but just wanted to let you know,” Andra offered.
“With or without the kids?”
“How about Saturday? Dan's parents are coming over to watch the kids so we can run some errands. I'll ask them to stay late, so we could go to our favorite old hangout,” Kennedy suggested.
“Are they still in business?” Andra asked.
“I'll check for sure. Dan and I have not been there in a while, but as far as I know they still are,” Kennedy promised.
“That would be wonderful. I would love to see the old haunts,” Andra said excited.
“That sounds great!” Dad added.
“Okay, I'll check that they are still open and we will go. I'll give Dan's parents a call to make sure they can watch the girls.”
sp; The rest of the day my parents worked in the guest bedroom while Caitlin played in my room. Kennedy did chores around the house, cleaning up breakfast and some laundry. I was bored, so I helped Kennedy fold laundry and put away dishes. Then, Caitlin decided she wanted to help also, though she was not much help. Caitlin decided to rub a sheet full of static that she got from the dryer on her head. When she pulled if off of her hair, her hair stuck out all over the place and Kennedy and I just laughed.
During Caitlin's speech appointment and nap, Kennedy worked on some graphic design work and I worked on my schoolwork. Even while we are supposedly on vacation, I still had to do school work. I finished my assignments quickly, and with nothing better to do I helped Kennedy make dinner.
Dinner was similar to last night. My parents were having a wonderful time exchanging stories with Kennedy and Dan. Even Caitlin was starting to relax some and laugh along with my parents, though I figured she did not understand what was going on and was just laughing because everyone else was.
The next morning was so not my fault! I tried to make coffee. I got out the beans and measured them and put them into the grinder like Dan showed yesterday, but forgot to put the lid on, so the beans shot out all over the place. This happened just as Dan was entering the kitchen, and he just started laughing at me freaking out as the beans were flying everywhere. He unplugged the grinder, added more beans and showed me how to grind them correctly with the lid on. Then, he made the coffee, and as it was brewing, he helped me clean up the kitchen. My face was so red, which then made me more embarrassed, which then made my face even redder. It was a hopeless cycle of my face being red! Luckily for me, Dan distracted this horrible red-faced cycle with sugar covered cereal!
We had the same breakfast as yesterday as Dan commented, “It was very nice of you to help Kennedy around the house. I’m sure she appreciated it.”