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Roe-bot Girl: The Bright Beginning (Roebot Girl Book 1) Page 7

  My mom said, “You know Kennedy, since we have been eating all your food and invaded your house, the least, you can do is to let me thank you for your hospitality by buying your groceries today.”

  Kennedy tried to think of a way to say no politely but was unable, so I relented and said, “Then thank you; that would be very thoughtful of you.”

  “Great, I did not want to be rude, but I really missed my high fiber cereal,” Andra remarked as she grabbed a box of the healthiest cereal in the aisle and one of the most expensive, plus it was not on sale. She also added the items from her basket into the cart. “I'll go put this basket away and be back in a minute.” As she took off, she dropped four of the fruit snacks in the cart that Caitlin had been crying over. Caitlin stopped crying and grabbed a box and held it through the rest of the shopping trip. I know I like sugary treats but not enough to hold them through a whole shopping trip.

  While my mom was gone and Kennedy was distracted, I took this chance to get the cereal I was eyeing. “Kennedy, could we get this cereal? It is on sale.”

  “Sure, why not, since your mother is thanking us for our hospitality,” Kennedy agreed, not looking at the cereal and clearly annoyed with her sister for putting four boxes of snacks in the cart that she told her daughter no to while I hid the boxes between the two healthy cereals in the cart. I smiled to myself and thought, yes! After that, Kennedy's mood lightened when she saw how happy Caitlin was to have those fruit snacks.

  Andra found them again shopping in the fresh veggie and fruit section. She added a bunch of extra veggies and fruit, not on Kennedy's list, in which she remarked, “If you are going to go this far, why not add a few bags of oranges. Dan loves them but they are not in season, so they are a bit pricey.”

  “Normally fruits, not in season, are not very good, but that is a great idea. I love oranges,” Andra admitted as she grabbed two of the largest bags she could find as Kennedy rolled her eyes.

  As Kennedy picked out the best-priced ground beef for hamburgers, Andra dropped expensive steaks in the cart. She then added frozen boneless chicken breasts, fresh salmon and other frozen and fresh fish and meat. She grabbed a bunch of frozen veggies also. “Andra, are we feeding an army I do not know about? There is no way we can eat all this food in the time you have left.”

  “Oh, I just felt like a mix of food tonight for dinner and would really like grilled steaks and chicken. It comes in a bag. I cannot buy just one, so you'll have to finish the rest when we are gone. I hope that is okay,” Andra commented with an innocent expression that I had never seen my ‘very to the point’ mother act this way. I almost believed her!

  Quietly Kennedy whispered to me, “There really is not anything I can do about this. Andra is going to do what she wants to do; she always has.” Then, Andra brought over live lobsters.

  “Seriously lobsters?” Kennedy was starting to get annoyed. “Those will cost more than my planned whole basket would have, before you started adding to it.”

  “But they looked so good,” Andra remarked innocently. I found this very interesting, since my mother was always very direct and a take charge kind of person. It was fun and really weird seeing my mother's other side. I really wanted to ask her what was going on, but I didn’t dare with Kennedy around.

  Getting the milk went without incident; although Andra did keep adding items to the cart that I saw along the way. Then, Andra picked out the most expensive orange juice and put enough in the cart to last a month. Kennedy just sighed as Andra said very innocently, “But, it is on sale.”

  We checked out and Andra paid. When her sister was not looking, she added in a few large gift cards which she had randomly packed with the groceries for Kennedy to find later. I found this so odd that I would have to ask my mom later what was going on.

  As Kennedy was unpacking the groceries, she found the gift cards and asked Andra about them. “Hum, they must have fallen in the cart when I was not looking. Oh well, I can't use them so you might as well keep them. It says they are not returnable. I would hate for them to go to waste.”

  I could tell Kennedy was upset, especially as she left the room to put Caitlin down for her nap.

  I took this opportunity to follow my mom into her room and ask, “What is going on between you and Kennedy? I saw you give the gift cards to the cashier. Why are you lying to her and playing dumb?”

  “Roe, shut the door and we will have a chat.” After I had shut the guest room door, my mother continued, “Have you noticed your aunt trying to save every last penny?” I nodded my head yes. “Kennedy and Dan are trying to save up to pay for an experimental therapy treatment for Caitlin that should help her talk.”

  Suddenly, I realized, “So, that is why she does not have a car and shuts off all the lights and clips coupon and analyzes the cheapest option?”

  “Yes, Dan took on a second job to help. He took this week off to see us, but normally he works until really late and on weekends. I did not know a lot of this until we were here. Kennedy has hidden a lot of this from me while talking on the phone. I played dumb today so she can save face. If I told her I was trying to help her and Dan, it might hurt their pride, like I am saying they cannot take care of their own daughter. So, I am helping them when I can without directly saying it.”

  “That’s why they looked so tired and stressed when we showed up?” I asked.

  “Yes, they both have been working as much as they can to get money for the therapy. I hope you will not say anything to Kennedy or Dan.”

  “No, I won't say a thing,” I promised and then asked, “Why don't you and Dad just pay for it? You make lots of money.”

  “We are looking into seeing what we can do; however, it is not a cheap therapy. No more talking about this. Aren't you way behind on your schoolwork?” My mother inquired.

  “Yes, I'll go work on it before dinner.”

  “Thank you. Give me a hug before you go.”

  “All right,” I agreed as I hugged and kissed my mom.

  Chapter Eleven: Fun Times Together

  That night, we had lobster for dinner. Dan looked very concerned until Kennedy remarked, “You have my sister to thank for this lovely dinner and the overflowing fridge and cupboards. I also did not notice two very large gift cards falling into the cart which she insists she cannot use and are not returnable, so we are stuck with either using or wasting them.” Dan turned to Andra and thanked her for her kindness.

  “No, thank you, Dan and Kennedy. Since we have been eating all your food and invaded your house, the least I could do is to buy a few groceries for all your hospitality. If I remember correctly, you very much enjoy lobster,” Andra explained.

  “It is my favorite and your sister knows just how to cook it. We have not had this luxury in a long time, thank you,” Dan remarked with a smile.

  “Kennedy has always been a good cook. I am the expert at takeout,” Andra confessed.

  “That she is,” Dan agreed.

  That was the best lobster I had ever tasted. It was succulent and buttery, better than any of the restaurant lobster I had ever had. No wonder there was none left at the end of dinner.

  The next morning I got up and made coffee. It was Saturday, but my parents normally worked seven days a week, so I figured they would be up soon. I had grinding the coffee down pat now, and it only took me a few minutes to start it up.

  “Good morning Roe,” Dan said a bit sleepily. He was in his pajamas and robe, not dressed for the day like I had seen him every other morning. “Hmm, coffee, thank you for making this.”

  “You’re welcome,” I said.

  “So, what would you like for breakfast this morning?”

  “French toast. Kennedy also said you liked fresh squeezed orange juice,” I conveyed.

  “I do love fresh OJ. Is that why there are so many bags of oranges? French toast should work. I think you got a loaf of bread yesterday. Would you like to help make it?” Dan suggested.

  “I'd love to,” I replied as Dan and I g
ot out the eggs, milk, butter, and bread. Dan grabbed some nutmeg and cinnamon to add to the egg mix.

  “The nutmeg gives the French toast a little something extra. Bacon or sausage?” Dan asked.

  “Mom bought some turkey bacon yesterday. You most likely noticed my mom is a health nut,” I replied with a sigh.

  “Still? Hasn't she outgrown that yet?” Dan asked with a chuckle and a wink.

  “I keep hoping someday she will,” I smiled and winked back.

  “The turkey bacon should be in the meat drawer in the fridge. Could you please get it?” Dan asked as he turned on the oven.

  I grabbed the turkey bacon and started pulling it apart while Dan started cooking the French toast in butter as he commented, “The butter makes them taste better. Now, don't tell your mother unless she asks, okay?”

  “Sure, why cause trouble if you don’t have to.”

  “Now, you are speaking my language,” Dan agreed as we worked together cooking breakfast.

  As I finished cooking the turkey bacon, Dan put them in the heated oven to keep them warm until everyone else got up.

  He then started slicing oranges as he showed me how to use the juicer to juice them. He sliced and I juiced them. We went through two bags in no time, and I was surprised how little orange juice that resulted from how many oranges we juiced. Dan took the remains out to his compost pile and when he returned, he said, “Let’s eat. I’m famished. How about you?”

  “It smells so good, I cannot wait,” I agreed, loading Dan's and my plate up with French toast and turkey bacon from the oven.

  “Wait, we forgot the best part, thanks to your mom, yesterday,” he revealed as he took the real maple syrup from the fridge.

  “The only kind Mom will let me have,” I acknowledged and poured a lot of real maple syrup on me French toast and started digging in. “This is so good; you, Sir, are a good cook.”

  “Why thank you, my lady; I have never tasted healthy bacon as good as yours is. So how have you been sleeping here?” Dan inquired.

  “Good, there were no monsters lurking in the closet. I figured if there was a monster under the bed I was safe, because it would eat Caitlin first,” I said joking.

  “That’s good. Would you please not mention monsters around Caitlin? We do not want her getting scared. Can you do that for me?” Dan asked.

  “Sure, no problem,” I said wondering why he had gotten so serious I was just joking.

  “Thank you, so everything else is going well so far?”

  “Yeah, though I just wish there was a shelf or something to keep my phone and tablet onto charge. They are really far away being down the ladder and over on the side table,” I mentioned.

  “You know I think we can fix that without much issue,” Dan expressed.

  “Really? That would be awesome.” I grinned.


  After eating so much French toast and turkey bacon, I was stuffed as my parents, dressed for the day, entered the kitchen. “It smells good,” Andra remarked and Tony was quick to agree.

  “Help yourself, breakfast is in the oven keeping warm. There is freshly squeezed OJ on the counter and coffee is in the pot.” Dan then got up and started cleaning up. Since I was finished and could not eat another bite, I took my plate and silverware over and helped rinse dishes and put them in the dishwasher. When we were done, we went back and sat with my parents as they finished their breakfast.

  “Roe, as you have heard us talking about, your dad and I have something to take care of in town for business today. Kennedy and Dan will accompany us and then the four of us will be going out to dinner. Since town will most likely be boring for you, the plan is for you to stay here with Caitlin. Dan's parents are coming over to watch her. Just make sure you get caught up on your schoolwork while we are gone. Is that okay with you?” my mom asked, but I knew that she really wasn’t asking. I nodded my head sadly. “Thank you, Roe; we should not be too long. Is there anything you need?”



  “Well, I had better change then and see what is keeping my wife,” Dan said as he left the kitchen and went to his bedroom.

  I cleaned up my parents’ dishes for them.

  Kennedy entered the kitchen with Caitlin. “Good morning,” she announced very cheerfully.

  Dan returned dressed and made them both a plate of French toast and healthy bacon, cutting Caitlin's into small strips and giving her a small saucer of maple syrup that she started dipping her strips into. Dan put the extra French toast and bacon away while Kennedy and Caitlin finished breakfast. The adults talked about their trip; something about going to a lawyer and Dan needing to stop at the hardware store. I wasn't really paying any attention since I was focused on how odd it was that Caitlin was staring at them the whole time she was eating breakfast, still eyeing them. We had been there almost a week and she should be used to us by now, I figured.

  “Sweetheart, your dad and I have to run some errands this morning, so Nana and Papa are going to come over to play with you. Is that okay?” Kennedy asked Caitlin.

  Caitlin broke into a big smile and nodded her head.

  “Great, they should be here any minute. Why don't we go get dressed for them?” Kennedy suggested.

  Caitlin reappeared in a purple animal print outfit. Kennedy explained, “Nana and Papa had brought that outfit for Caitlin last time they came to visit. Didn't they, sweetheart?”

  Caitlin nodded her head again as the doorbell rang and she ran off to answer it with Kennedy closely behind her.

  Chapter Twelve: New Grandparents

  Dan's parents were here. They introduced themselves to my parents, and I went over and gave them a reluctant hug. They asked me to call them Nana and Papa. I was not really sure about that, but since I did not remember their real names, it would do. Our parents made a quick exit, and then it was just the four of us. Nana went to her purse as she asked Caitlin if she has been a good girl? Caitlin was jumping up and down very excited, nodding her head. Nana grabbed a wrapped toy out of her purse and gave it to Caitlin and then added, looking at me, “I have a little something for you Roe also.”

  “You do?” I was surprised I had just met her and she brought me a gift.

  “Here, I thought you might like this,” Nana remarked as she gave me a present.

  Caitlin had already ripped the paper off of hers and ran into her room. Papa had followed. I opened my present, and it was a soccer outfit for Snow.

  “Thank you very much. Snow will look really cool in this,” I said gratefully.

  “Would you like to see if it fits him? Kennedy said he was about the same size as this doll set,” Nana suggested.

  “Sure,” I agreed, but I did not really want to put this outfit on him. The ones Granny had helped me make were great. He did not need any more outfits, but to be nice I put the outfit on him and told Nana, “It fits him well. It looks good on him. The white and black really accents his white snow.”

  “I'm glad you like it,” Nana said as I went over to Caitlin's dollhouse to see what she was up to.

  The new furniture for the dollhouse was a big hit for Caitlin. She spent the rest of the morning redecorating and rearranging the house.

  Nana and I sat on Caitlin's bed watching her play in her dollhouse. Nana asked me, “So what kind of things are you into?”

  “What do you mean?” I asked confused.

  “What do you like to do?”

  “I hang out with Snow,” I replied. “I have a few apps for my smartphone. I also programmed and built a robot with my dad.”

  “Would you show me your apps and robot?” Nana asked

  “Sure.” I jumped up and got my phone and dug out my Mini Snow robot. Nana was very impressed with the apps and the Mini Snow.

  “Roe, what did you want for lunch?” Papa interrupted us.

  “Corn dogs and French fries,” I announced, knowing that my mom would not let me eat them very often because they were unhealthy.

��Why don't you come out to the kitchen with me, and we will see what there is?” Nana suggested

  “My mother bought a lot of groceries yesterday, so there should be lots to choose from,” I conveyed.


  “She wanted to thank Kennedy and Dan for their hospitality and letting us visit.”

  After looking through the cupboards and fridge, we decided to make macaroni and cheese from scratch and added in cut-up hot dogs from the whole meat ones my mother had picked out yesterday. I got some cut-up veggies from the fridge and put those on the table, so if my mom asked if I ate healthy I could say yes without lying.

  It took some coercion to get Caitlin away from her dollhouse for lunch, but the four of them ate lunch together and Caitlin's grandparents talked about their traditions with Caitlin. Nana explained that they lived close by, only a few minutes away, but they always tried to bring her something when we came to visit. Last time it was the purple animal print outfit since Caitlin likes purple a lot. Sometimes, it is small things like bubbles or play-dough or coloring books and crayons. They got her the dollhouse and were slowing adding pieces to it since she seemed to like dolls.

  After lunch, I worked on my schoolwork while Caitlin played with her dollhouse. Nana worked on crossword puzzles from a book she had in her bag while Papa played out in the garage. It sounded like he was reorganizing Dan's tools, but I did not go out there and check. The doorbell interrupted us with a package from Lyla, my parents’ personal assistant that had to be signed for, so Nana took the package and put it in the guest room on the bed. I was wondering where Lyla had been, but there was no return address on the package that I could see.

  Our parents were home early that afternoon. Kennedy, Andra, and Nana sat down with tea to chat, though I found the grownup talk boring. My dad was working on his laptop in the guest bedroom, and Dan and Papa had disappeared, but I kept hearing some loud noises once in a while with robotic whirl-like sounds. I wanted to investigate but could not find where the noise was coming from, so I slowly worked on my schoolwork. Right before my parents were going to leave for dinner, an excited Dan and Papa told me to come quick to see what they had done in the bedroom. We followed them into the bedroom to see a headboard shelf attached to the bunk bed with a power strip attached to it.